What Is The CBS-8®?
The CBS-8® (Columbia Behavior Scale for Dementia) is an instrument developed by the BCAT® Research Center to improve management and treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD). It can be used by healthcare professionals, caregivers, and other stakeholders in dementia care. Quite often, the CBS-8® is administered by caregivers and the results are then shared with the healthcare provider.
The Science
Strong reliability (internal consistency and inter-rater reliability)
Strong validity
Normative and development study peer-reviewed and published
Higher scores associated with more severe BPSDs
3 internal “factors”: psychosis, aggression, non-aggressive motor disinhibition
Cut scores indicating when treatment is indicated and where it should be directed
Caregivers who participated in 10-minute training demonstrated proficiency
To read the published article, click here.
Using The CBS-8®
We recommend the CBS-8® be used in the following progressive manner:
Determine if the patient has probable dementia by first administering the BCAT® or BCAT®-SF. For more information about the BCAT® and the BCAT®-SF go to the BCAT® website www.thebcat.com. If scores indicate probable dementia, then,
Administer the CBS-8® to determine BPSD baseline. This will identify whether the patient is currently demonstrating clinically significant symptoms of psychosis, aggression, and/or motor disinhibition.
If any factor score or total score is 2 points or higher, then treatment is typically indicated. Interventions can be non-pharmacological or medication-based.
For those who are interested in non-pharmacological interventions, the 3D Behavior Management Program and MemPics® can be used to reduce BPSD. Both have demonstrated efficacy in clinical studies. MemPics® can be used as a 1:1 intervention or in small groups lead by both licensed professionals and caregivers. To access 3D and MemPics®, visit the Bookstore.
Repeat the CBS-8® in two weeks (or other time frame) and compare results. This will provide evidence of possible improvement in symptoms and in right-sizing care.
The CBS-8® can be repeated as often as necessary.